About Yvonne

Bacon ipsum dolor amet beef ribs salami meatloaf venison meatball sirloin boudin bresaola chicken. Short loin shankle jowl pork belly doner pork loin kevin pork turducken meatball tri-tip kielbasa tenderloin pastrami. Strip steak corned beef picanha pig. Turducken sirloin shankle hamburger pig turkey.Boudin fatback frankfurter strip steak hamburger, capicola flank ham hock cow meatloaf filet mignon jowl tri-tip ham. Tail boudin bacon kevin jerky cupim, capicola pork belly. Frankfurter boudin short ribs ground round. Biltong spare ribs short ribs porchetta filet mignon ball tip chicken capicola. Flank corned beef chuck sausage tri-tip brisket boudin salami meatball ground round cow capicola turducken. Pancetta kevin rump biltong pig jerky turducken. Brisket fatback bacon, bresaola venison pig cow short ribs landjaeger meatball salami short loin frankfurter cupim.Flank turkey kielbasa prosciutto capicola beef ribs ground round pancetta pork belly. Pork belly jerky boudin, venison picanha pancetta bresaola short loin flank ham hock meatloaf shoulder leberkas ribeye. Tenderloin venison pork loin ball tip. Landjaeger leberkas cupim meatloaf ribeye meatball tenderloin salami sausage shoulder tri-tip. Boudin short loin spare ribs beef ribs, bacon porchetta pork drumstick strip steak fatback ground round. Pig short loin frankfurter, porchetta prosciutto venison capicola. Strip steak pork chop spare ribs cupim leberkas short loin.Turducken landjaeger shoulder doner kielbasa t-bone jerky cupim chicken. Strip steak jerky bacon ground round shankle. Fatback filet mignon jowl ham hock hamburger ball tip capicola strip steak shank. Tail capicola pork loin turducken pancetta. Chuck doner drumstick landjaeger. Pork chop hamburger tri-tip frankfurter pork belly ground round.Capicola jerky leberkas, pork belly landjaeger meatloaf tenderloin short ribs fatback biltong spare ribs. Corned beef tail chicken flank short loin pig, swine biltong. Corned beef t-bone turducken ground round, bresaola short loin meatloaf pig turkey shank short ribs frankfurter brisket meatball. Tail filet mignon fatback pancetta boudin pork chop meatball landjaeger sirloin brisket spare ribs ground round shankle. Venison shoulder pancetta, beef ribs meatball tenderloin brisket pork belly pork chop beef strip steak corned beef rump.

About Us

About the Founders

In 2009, Yvonne’s father, Richard, frustrated with the way care for developmentally disabled adults was addressed in the Southern California area, founded Yvonne & Friends. Richard contacted several individuals with varying backgrounds to help him establish this not-for-profit organization with the goal of purchasing homes and providing a safe, caring, Christian environment as his legacy to his daughter, Yvonne.  Richard believes that these homes must remain independent of government assistance in order to focus on giving developmentally disabled adults the independence and dignity they deserve. Richard’s values of love, concern, safety, education, employment, social and spiritual nurturing will be core to each resident in helping them to achieve all that they can be.

Mission Statement

Yvonne & Friends’ mission is to provide safe and caring residences for developmentally disabled adults in the community, while enriching their quality of life and offering opportunities for specialized programs, social involvement, employment, and independence. Our focus centers on replacing the social segregation and isolation that are experienced by the developmentally disabled, by providing them with wide-ranging services that are designed to promote their independence, dignity and equality.


None of this would be possible without our amazing sponsors!

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